Poppy Care
First thing’s First!
First, unwrap all of the elements in your box. Discard (or upcycle!) the packaging and gently place your poppies on your work surface. Fill your vase ⅔ of the way with cool tap water.
Real talk: poppies are the ugly duckling of the flower world. They’re bright green, fuzzy, lumpy buds that look destined to disappoint. But once they bloom? Well, let’s just say their name says it all. So have faith (and a little patience) with these beauties-to-be when you open the box. In a few days (and with some elbow grease) these babes will be wowing you in no time!
Gently gather your stems in your hand and carefully stagger the heads. A little high/low in an arrangement is the easiest way to make it feel more designed!
Pro Tip: If any stems are broken or bent, save your shorties! Any flowers that are too petite for the vase we’ve shipped make a great option for a single stem "arrangement" in a dainty cup or bud vase!
Design 101
Next, measure your stems by holding them against the side of the vase. Trim to your desired length. Now grab some matches or a lighter! Poppies are super special because cauterizing (translation: burning!) the ends locks in their plant juices and makes them last longer. Quickly bring the end of each stem to the flame. Drop them into the vase! Take a quick moment to fan the heads out in each direction - this will make sure your handiwork is a showstopper from any angle.
You're almost done! The last part is the trickiest. Veryyyyy gently (we can't emphasize the very enough here!) we're going to give the poppy a bit of bloom assistance. A little massage helps to reveal the seams along the outside of each bud. Once you locate the seam, gently pull it open using your fingers to partially reveal the petal beneath. Aim to reveal a ¼” or so - no more! The head start will help to jump start the blooming process and, In a few days time, the petals will fully reveal themselves while the green, fuzzy bud will fall away from the bloom.
Poppy Massage?
Pro Tip: A day or two after their massage (and once the petals have begun to open) give your poppies an extra assist and carefully remove this fuzzy outer bud layer with your fingers. Discard and enjoy your blooms!
Help your blooms live their best life by keeping them out of the direct sun and any extra toasty areas in your home. We recommend placing your vase at least three feet away from any sunny window and away from any obvious heat sources (like a radiator). Bacteria buildup is natural (and unavoidable) as the stems age. Change the water daily (or as often as you remember) so your poppies are always getting a fresh drink. Trimming the stems at the same time will also ensure they’re hydrating efficiently!
Routine Maintenance
Pro tip: Some blooms may die off sooner than others. Removing any dying flowers will keep its vase mates looking fresher longer!